Growing up in a family of six, with her father working as a farmer and her mother as a homemaker, Teresa Lucrecia believed her education would end after elementary school. "Without the support of Limitless Horizons Ixil, I think I would have only graduated from...
20 Stories for 20 Years #11: How Roselda’s Family Thrived with Holistic Support from Limitless Horizons Ixil
Teresa Roselda and her family participated in nearly every aspect of Limitless Horizons Ixil’s wraparound services since she entered middle school in 2013 to 2020 when COVID hit and the family qualified to receive monthly food rations through the organization. For...
20 Stories for 20 Years #10: Jan’s Journey Building Connections and Finding Purpose through Volunteering
For Jan Parker, volunteering with Limitless Horizons Ixil is about more than lending a helping hand—it’s about finding purpose, building connections, and being part of something bigger than herself. From weekly banking to coordinating donor mailings, Jan has become a...
20 Stories for 20 Years #9: How David Is Shaping Chajul’s Future Through the Library
David Imul grew up in Chajul as one of eight children in a family that lost their land and numerous family members during the Guatemalan Civil War. Because of his family’s struggles and economic standing, educational opportunities were scarce and graduating high...
20 Stories for 20 Years #8: Antonio’s Path from Scholar to Teacher
Growing up in Chajul, Antonio was the oldest of five siblings in a family where educational opportunities were rare—his mother attended only one year of elementary school, and his father never had the chance to attend school. Because his parents were never able to...
20 Stories for 20 Years #7: Education’s Impact on Josefa’s Family
Josefa Laynez Caba and her husband have always valued education, but their journey to support their children’s learning has not been easy. For years, Josefa faced chronic illness, and with three children and limited resources, affording school fees felt nearly...
20 Stories for 20 Years #6: Regina’s Journey from Mentee to Mentor
Magdalena Regina Puente Laynez grew up as the oldest of nine children in Chajul, Guatemala. Regina joined Limitless Horizons Ixil’s Youth Development Program in 2009, and thanks to the scholarship she received, she was able to complete high school and go on to pursue...
20 Stories for 20 Years #5: Maria Elicia’s Path to Educational Change
Maria Elicia Sánchez never liked math in school. In fact, as a student, she found the subject intimidating and frustrating. But instead of shying away from it, she realized that if she was struggling with math, so were others. For Maria Elicia, the root of this...
20 Stories for 20 Years #4: Gaspar’s legacy in his hometown of Chajul
Growing up in Chajul, Gaspar Canay faced a dilemma many young people in his town still encounter: the pull of family responsibility versus the pursuit of education. As the eldest of five siblings, Gaspar was the first in his family to graduate from high school, a...