Thank you, Together Women Rise!

Thank you, Together Women Rise!

We are excited to share that we have been selected as one of 15 organizations to receive a featured grant from Together Women Rise in 2024! With hundreds of local chapters spanning the United States, Together Women Rise is made up of women on a mission to cultivate...

Leading by Example: STEM Education in Action

Leading by Example: STEM Education in Action

In Guatemala, a country where electricity is provided by one company and power outages are frequent, Limitless Horizons Ixil's solar-powered school is a leading example in Chajul of alternative, renewable energy. Our solar panels, generously funded by rock climber...

2022 Recap

2022 Recap

As we settle into a new year, we would like to take a moment to reflect on all the major milestones of 2022. At Limitless Horizons Ixil, it was a year to remember, and we couldn’t be more grateful to you for playing a role in this success! We would also like to take...