A New School For Chajul — a video about why we started a new school in Chajul
Scenes from Limitless Horizons Ixil and Chajul — our Facebook banner video provides a brief insight into our core programs
Bilingual Spanish-Ixil Story Hours — originally broadcast on Chajul’s community radio
International Women’s Day Zumba Class for Library Members
Limitless Horizons Ixil, a video by Landlocked films
Saber Sin Límites (Limitless Knowledge) Community Library
What we do at Limitless Horizons Ixil
Celebrating 10 years at Limitless Horizons Ixil
See more videos by visiting our YouTube channel
Girls Struggle to Stay in School as COVID-19 Threatens Women’s Progress, Thrive Global, March 2021, spotlighting Limitless Horizons Ixil
Meeting The Challenges Of Sharing Covid-19 Information In Rural Guatemala, Forbes, June 2020
Paramedics and pet clinics: how stranded Britons are helping out, The Guardian, April 2020, featuring Limitless Horizons Ixil’s former International Coordinator, Catriona Spaven-Donn
La masacre del 23 de marzo de 1982 y la otra pieza en la historia del genocidio en Guatemala, Nómada, Feb. 2020
Reclaiming Heritage: Bilingual Education in Guatemala, Cultural Survival, June 2019
Guatemala’s history of genocide hurts Mayan communities to this day, The Conversation, June 2018
Fighting Poverty in Guatemala: Importance of Public Investment in Education, Global South Development Magazine, May 2017
20 Years of “Peace” in Guatemala, NACLA, Jan. 2017
Poverty, corruption and racism in Guatemala’s primary schools reflect country’s social problems, Development and Cooperation, Feb. 2016
Guatemala’s trial of the decade in ten facts, Amnesty International, May 2013
Informe de Diagnóstico: Descripción de la Situación del Área Ixil a partir de la revisión de documentos y diagnósticos identificados (Diagnostic Report: Description of the situation in the Ixil area since the review of identified documents & diagnostics), 2010, Fundación Ixil
The State of Education for Indigenous Girls in Rural Guatemala, 2008, Lindsey Musen
Guatemala Journey Among the Ixil Maya, Susanna Badgley Place
Between Two Armies in the Ixil Towns of Guatemala, David Stoll
Traditional Weavers of Guatemala, Deborah Chandler